Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hipsters in the Wild

My Beloved has a Hipster obsession. He wants to see one so bad. 

Ever since hearing the term 'hipster' he's had this curiosity. "But what do they look like? And what does "in an ironic way" supposed to mean? Do they know the definition of ironic?"

We will go places and he will point someone out - " is that one?!" 

Oh my.

We are not hipsters. We do not frequent the same establishments a 'hipster' might establish. Plus we live in La Porte. Seriously.

I have this habit during the "winter" months of asking my dear sweet husband if it's cold outside. Every morning. First thing.

The first time he looked at me like I was nuts and said he didn't know. Really?! He's been up a few minutes, would it kill him to step outside to check the temperature? Probably not! And he KNOWS I'm going to ask this. Every morning! 

Now he just say "yes". Without even checking. Can you believe?!

This morning I check Facebook and people have posted how nice and cool it is outside. There was a storm last night! It could be cooler!!

So I ask my dear sweet Beloved if it's cold.

I get the crazy eyes and he sarcastically says yes.

And because I can recognize sarcasm, I let him know that if his daughter and I freeze because he refused to check the temp for us, it's on him. 

He says he's not worried.

Then I say "and if I see a Hipster, I'm not telling you."

"Oh come on!! I want to see one in the wild! I need to see a Hipster in it's natural habitat!!"

Alice has some strange parents. 

Until next time...

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