Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Mailbox

My Beloved came home last week and brought the mailbox in with him. Apparently some lackluster punk of a child thought it would be 'cute' to knock our mailbox over. 

For the record, it's NOT cute. It's RUDE. It's a violation of our home. And in the event it happens again and I find out which lackluster punk of a child did it - there will be tears. Parents, don't let your kids grow up to be lackluster punks. Seriously. 

So my Beloved 'fixed' it until we could get to the weekend. 

Poor mailbox.

I knew Daniel would have to dig this up and I also know he HATES this plant. Has since we moved in. But when we moved in, it had cute little yellow blooms and his wife is crazy so it stayed. So I say "I think it's okay if you dig up the plant. I can let it go."

His response "oh, I was planning on taking it out!" Good thing I was okay with it. ;)

He had a terrible time attempting to dig out the plant and had to dig around old concrete and loads of rocks. The previous owners of our home must have spent a fortune on rocks. For real. 

The night before he dug up the mess, we ventured out to the Home Depot to buy the replacement parts. I am a girl so I shop by what's pretty. My Beloved is a boy and he shops for what's 'affordable' or 'reasonable'. Blah. He ends up picking out a regular mailbox as opposed to the mailbox that says 'indestructible' with an illustration of a bat hitting it on it. I don't want death but if some kid decides to destroy our mailbox again, I'd like them to end up hurt. Like arm-in-a-sling-for-a-month-or-two hurt. He also skips over the pretty posts and goes with a regular old post.

In case you didn't already know, I can be a bit of a pill. And I can be a little snarky. 

As we're checking out, the post rings up a lot cheaper than he thought it should be. I say maybe it's on extra sale because it's so ugly. This garners an eye roll and a deep sigh.

He did manage to get it in the car.

Alice had no problem with it.

Only when he dug up the mess, he discovered this type of post would not work. So we got to go back again and get the pretty one. :) Yay!

The weather wasn't unbearable so we watched the Dada work. As we're watching, two neighborhood dogs show up for a visit. 

They were getting unruly so my Beloved thought Atticus needed some time in the house. Only this made the stranger danger dogs follow them in to the garage. As I'm shooing them out of the garage, the larger dog stops at Alice's stroller and licks her face. 

"Hey!" I say, "that's not your baby! Shooo! Go home!"

Oiy vey.

They eventually move on and my Beloved gets back to work. While he was putting the post together, I got the mailbox out of the box.

Alice helped.

She lost her mailbox privileges when she bent the flag. 

Now we have a new mailbox! We still need to put numbers on it and maybe add some more dirt but for now, it works! 

And it was an adventure! 

Now for the challenge photos.

RAP "I don't care".

It doesn't matter how many times I tell her that's not how a lady sits, she simply says "I don't care." I spent lunch trying to get her to keep her feet off the table. Babies.

The KIR challenge is Kid's room.

And her's is my favorite.

Until next time.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rotfl. .. Karina is 4 & I have to say every day fifty times a day, close your legs