Monday, December 9, 2013

The Weather Today

It was cold. The kind of cold where it doesn't matter what you do, you just stay cold. 

And it was rainy. A yucky, constant mist. Not enough for an umbrella. Just enough to give you pneumonia. 

A lovely day for Christmas shopping. ;)

Today, Alice got to spend the day with Mamaw while I got to run errands with the Nana. Mamaw likes to give me days off and really - she likes having Alice all to herself. ;)

I can't even begin to express how much I love that these two get to spend time together. 

I'm thankful for Mamaw and her willingness to roll on the floor with our silly girl. I'm also thankful for a day out and away! 

I love being with Alice but it's nice to get a day off occasionally. 

The Nana did get to see Alice!

Visiting with Mamaw and Nana wears a girl out.

Until next time....

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