Alice is a funny eater. She'll try anything you put in front of her. If she doesn't like it, she piles it on the farthest corner of her tray. Unless it's in the way - then it goes to the dog immediately. We will have a lot of explaining to do to the vet next time we visit.
She refuses to be fed - unless it's yogurt or something off MY plate. If it comes from MY fork - it's fine but baby spoons are a big no, no. Alice is a big girl - she feeds herself! Well then.
She LOVES veggies and pasta and fruit. The only thing she won't eat seems to be meat. She will eat bacon and eggs and the occasional turkey hot dog - but that's iffy.
Today we had veggie noodles, edamame and a chicken nugget. Guess what the dog got? Yep, the chicken nugget.
Oiy vey.
We did try watermelon today and that was a big hit!
Feeding her big girl food has presented new challenges. But things might get a bit easier - she has some new teeth! Check out her teethy smile!
So precious!
Now for the "orange" photo challenge.
Our Veronica Mars movie sticker!!!! The movie is coming out soon. I'm silly excited about it!
Until next time.....
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