Sunday, March 23, 2014

Festively Dressed and Full on CRANKY

Yesterday was a dark day.

A dark, dark day.

It started with a dark night. 

I'm still nursing a cold so I took a NyQuil thinking we were all going to bed. Foolish, foolish woman. Instead, Alice decided to play.....all night. Every time we put her in bed, she would scream and scream and scream. So finally, Daniel decided to close he and the baby in to her room. He can sleep while she plays - I cannot. 

So we shut the dog in with me and they stay locked up in the nursery.

At 2ish the dog was in full on panic mode because His Man was locked away and he was CONVINCED there was danger afoot so he woke me up. Because that was the safest decision for him to make. 

I can hear Alice knocking on the inside of her door.....still....after 2am. 

We finally put her in her bed and just let her cry. Just letting her cry sucks.

And of course we have these bad nights on nights where we have to be up early the next day. Saturday we were set to attend a memorial service for my Beloved's great uncle. This is extended family Alice and I will meet for the first time. Yep. This is not how I envisioned our first meeting going. 

So she goes to sleep after 2ish and is up crying again around 6ish. That means I never slept off my cold medicine and I'm cranky. And my Beloved had to go to work really early so he's cranky. And the baby didn't sleep half as much as she needed so she's cranky. The entire family was full on cranky! Fun times. 

To top off the bad morning, she didn't really have anything 'memorial service' appropriate to wear so I attempted to pick the least festive dress we had. The child has enough clothes - I didn't want to have to get something for her to wear once. I'm not sure we were successful. 

I'm not sure too many people noticed anyway - since Alice is mobile, Alice thinks she should be walking everywhere. So we spent the entire lunch walking around with her.

After that, we didn't even go to the memorial service. We should have known better.

She is past the age of sitting still in her stroller and she's too young to understand "it's time to sit still and be quiet now" so instead of causing a scene - we left. We did have to wrangle a wasp out of the car on our way out. 


And then we get home and our super fast little ninja baby finally got to eat a piece of dog food.
And I'm pretty sure she liked it. This means the dog will need to eat faster from now on.


Until next time.

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