Yeesh, I'm behind!
I know what you're thinking, "it's about time!!!" I know, I know. I'm going to work on it.
Let me tell you, I thought month 18 was a challenge. She was defiant and contrary and was concerned for our future.
And then month 19 wasn't bad! Piece of cake!
She is still very curious and I can see her imagination when she plays. It's magical! She is independent and determined. She learns quickly and she LOVES figuring things out. It does not take her long to learn how something works.
Month 19 wasn't bad.
And then, month 20.
Let me tell you, the past few weeks have been a HOT MESS! She has definitely mastered the Tantrum and can whip out those tears at will. And she's also at the age where everything IS THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!
She knew we were going to go bye bye the other day. I told her we weren't going yet....
Lord, have mercy.
Then later the same day, the mean momma told her she couldn't eat the dog's food....
Oh, the drama.
She had a massive fit yesterday when I told her we had to brush her hair before we got in the car. Tears, snot, flailing.
I'm currently researching boarding schools that take 20 month olds. I'm pretty sure she's ready for sleep away school.
She is very bright and can bring you what you ask for. She understands what you're saying and reacts. Sometimes not accordingly, but she reacts.
She wanted to go outside the other day but it was nap time. I told her she couldn't go outside until she took a nap. Mid tantrum, she stopped, sniffled and marched to her bed. She was standing there like "fine, let's get this over with."
Oh my.
And she is CONSTANTLY moving. This has made chores and blogging practically impossible. When she's resting, I'm usually eating or showering or doing chores. I sit to blog but I'm so warn out, I can't even come up with a title.
Hopefully, things will settle back down and our routine will get adjusted to an adjusted life. Here's hoping!
I do have posts to write! And I do have stuff to share!
We went to the zoo! And she got to throw sticks for Uncle David's magic dogs!! It's all coming, I promise.
It's just coming....really....really slowly.....
Until next time....
No such thing as "normal" once terrible 2's have begun! Just be patient and wait it out... until 4! ;-)
Ha! Too true. Good luck!
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