Months ago, I overheard mom and Travis talking about a new incentive he came up with. IF he got nothing but A's for the rest of his college career, she would buy him a new Raptor.
I mentioned since I was in college too, if I got all A's I should get a dinosaur as well.
In his annoyed 'my-sister-is-the-lamest-ever; voice (seriously, you should ask me to do an impression of him when in person - HILARIOUS!) he says, "Timberley, it's not a dinosaur, it's a really nice, expensive truck!"
I say, "what do I need a truck for?! I have a vehicle! What I really need is a dinosaur! I want a Velaptor Raptor!" (I KNOW that's not right, but I'm not studying Paleontology so it doesn't count against me.)
He rolls his eyes - again.
He mentions the truck throughout the year and I mention my dinosaur. This always earns an eye roll and head shake. His sister is just exhausting.
This semester was a little different. I took my very first online classes. Online classes were not an option my first time through college. I took the two computer classes required for the program so I was able to get the assignments done at my own pace. And while it's not my favorite, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I discovered I have lots of questions and require lots of feedback and you can't 'read' an instructor via emails. I also had to make myself slow down; I go too fast and make silly mistakes and that's just dumb. I also managed to get through Pharmacology. It was a lot harder than Medical Terminology mainly because studying for it was completely different and drug names are HARD. But I made it through!
And I got all A's this semester.
So, you know what that means?!
Until next time.....
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