We love our dog.
We love our dog.
We love our dog.
Sometimes we have to be reminded.
Take this morning for example.
At exactly 3:20 a.m. this fine morning, Atticus started barking his lungs out in the middle of our living room. Like "Satan is at the back door" barking. Like "The Zombie uprising has begun at our fence line" barking. Like "Forget Timmy - the entire city has fallen down the well" barking.
His Man jumps from bed and lets him out to the yard.
The Woman goes to The Child's room to coax her back to bed. Luckily she hadn't made it too far from her bed before I got to her. With her rubbing her eyes, "why Caticus barking?! He crazy!" Amen, sister. I told her I think he saw a cat. "Oh! He no like cats!" Nope. So back to bed she went with no complaints. Hallelujah. (This is the main reason the dog was allowed to live.)
I close her door and proceed to join my Beloved at the back door. "Do you see anything?" he asks. "No, just our dumb dog sniffing all over the place". We could hear other dogs barking. All I could think was, "15 Dalmatian puppies! Stolen!" (Thanks, Walt.) Side rant - why do dogs choose the most quiet of nights to lose their ever loving minds?! I was sleeping good too! I hadn't slept well in almost 3 days!
He finishes up protecting the non-threatened perimeter and comes back in all excited wagging his tail - "look! I saved my people!"
No. Sir.
You woke up your people.
That is NOT a good dog.
Everyone went back to sleep easily enough.
Except me. I was thinking about the Zombies. What if only dogs can see the Zombies? We're all screwed!
So today, every time I catch the dog sleeping - I'm going to run into the room screaming like a maniac.
This will do nothing but solidify his opinion that His Man's Woman is completely unhinged and has fallen of her rocker yet again.
But I bet I find it oddly satisfying.
Until next time......
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