Sunday, December 2, 2018

I stood here.....

I love crunchy leaves. I will go out of my way to stomp on crunchy leaves. So much so that when I'm on a Book Club adventure with girls I haven't seen in years, I will abandon the group for a lovely pile of crunchy leaves. 

Sorry, Ladies, they call me. 

Yesterday, our book club spent the afternoon on Galveston Island in honor of our most recent book, Dark Water Rising by Marian Hale. We drove the island looking for landmarks mentioned in the book and we made a stop at Garten Verein for a walk through the park. 

We met up for dinner with our 5th member and her ADORABLE young man. *Henry, you can always sit by me.* We talked some about the book but mostly we just talked.Talked about medical woes and plays we did at church when we were little. We talked about life and kids and fractions. I say, just eat the whole pie! 

No pressure, no stress - just a visit with old (plus a new) friends. 

And it was lovely.

We ended the adventure with a sunset trip to the strand where I kept my tennis shoes on because, thank you. 

That's WAY too much outside for me.


Too close.

Until next time.......


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