Monday, October 22, 2007

Thank Goodness for Mommies!!!

I'm not sure what I'm doing and I'm not sure how often I'll post stuff; but people keep asking about wedding plans so I figured this would be a good way to keep people updated. And I'll throw non-wedding stuff in there too because let's face it, life's a circus!!

So mom just returned from a 5 day trip to Washington, DC and I have never been so thankful to see her. While she was enjoying a MUCH needed break from being a mommy - I stepped in to mother my 13 year old brother. And let me tell you, 5 days is enough. The first night she was gone he accused me of trying to starve him. At approx. 12:15 am Saturday morning I told him it was time for bed to which he jumps up and screams "MY ICE CREAM!!". Travis has the habit of pulling out the ice cream to thaw a little before he attempts to scoop it but he also has the habit of forgetting. So there sat the ice cream/vanilla soup almost completely thawed on our kitchen island. I put the ice cream back in the freezer and tell The Child to go to bed. "But what about my snack!?" my bewildered brother asks looking at me with those 'I think she might be crazy' eyes, "I'm going to starve!". I tell him the chances of him starving between the hours of 12 am and 10 am are very slim and that I'm willing to risk to it. And being the evil Sister that I am he went to bed with no snack knowing that if The Momma had been there, The Child would have been allowed to have his snack. I guess that's the difference between Mommy's and Sisters; Mommy's LOVE their kids and Sisters are willing to risk it. :) Until next time....

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