Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Searching for my "bride" side

Today we looked at 4 different wedding venues on our side of town and it was a semi-successful venture! All are places that I can recommend to future brides and one of them could be what I'm looking for. But how do you know?! Isn't there supposed to be a feeling?

And then we had some extra time to try on dresses. I tried on wedding dresses. I tried on WEDDING dresses. So strange! It just felt odd. I felt like I was out of place, like I was a silly girl trying to be a lady. I tried on three dresses and only ruled out one; but none of them gave me the "Oh my gosh I'm a BRIDE!!" feeling all brides claim to have when they find "The One". What if my indecisive tendencies keep me from finding the 'one' - do I just settle for 'this one will work'?

Where are my bridal instincts? I have yet to see something that makes me say "THAT is IT!!!" Except maybe a cotton candy machine - those are totally cool!

So the search continues. The search for a site and a dress and my 'bride' side. It'll come - I have hope!

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