Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Score 1 for the "Bride-side"!

We once again set out this morning for another day of searching the city for the "perfect" wedding site and today was a good day! We finally got in to see the Majestic Metro downtown. It's in an old movie theater and I think it might be perfect. It's beautiful and quirky and just what we're looking for. I'm not uber-excited about dealing with the cranky old man who owns the place but such is life. I'll win him over with my wit and charm and we'll all have a Merry Christmas. And the parking is going to be a challenge but that too is something we can work out. I think this is it! I knew it was going to be "it" too! I found the website several years ago and knew I would love it.

My friend recommended we look at the Chapel on the U of H campus and I liked it too! It's simple yet pretty. It has tons of windows and a built in pipe organ that won't cost an arm and a leg.
I think it too might be "it". It's not too far from the Majestic and that's a good thing.

So today was a good day. Today was a GREAT day! Nothing is final and noting is set in stone, we still have a lot of places to see but at least I have a short list! And who doesn't love a short list?! Daniel and I still need to look over everything and decide together what would be best for our wedding. "Our wedding" - wow!

And I think my mom will be more thankful then I am when we finally book a place, I think all this searching is wearing her out. :) She affectionately refers to Tuesday's as "Timby's Torture Days". :) She's being a very good trooper and I'm very excited to have her with me. I love my momma!!

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