Monday, October 6, 2008

Mind of a "Mrs."

Wow what a month! First let's go over the wedding. It was AWESOME!! It was perfect. I have a bad habit of imagining things and then being very disappointed when things don't turn out exactly how I imagined. But everything about our wedding day was perfect. I loved every minute of it and I was SO happy with how everything turned out. I'm so thankful to everyone who came to support us. It was so nice to be surrounded by people who loved us. Thanks everyone!

And now I'm living with a BOY! EWWW!!! :) It really hasn't been as bad, it's been a lot of fun so far! We have discovered that Daniel is a morning person and I am not. While he wakes up singing and talking, I prefer to ease in to the day with a little bit of quiet time. Makes mornings interesting! :) We're learning!

It's funny how quickly I adjusted to being away from home. I spent so much of the last few months worried about leaving my mom and Travis, worried I was going to miss everything. And now when I "visit", I'm ready to leave! I'm ready to come to our home and be still. It's nice to visit and it's nice to come home. I still drive to Mom's every Thursday for Travis' football games. Even though he might not care if we're there right now, he will eventually and I don't want him to ever think I didn't care. I love that kid!

So now I'm a grown up. I'm a wife with chores and budgets and "duties". How strange is that?!

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