Monday, November 17, 2008

Wifey Woes

I'm officially Mrs. Christie now! It took a day of waiting in lines and counting to 10 but it's done. My name is now two letters longer which means the last letter of my middle name is left off of my Drivers License. Fun times! Now I get to have everything changed to my new name, it'll be a new fun game! :)

So I don't know what has changed but I'm suddenly a TOTAL disaster in the kitchen. I managed to feed myself all through college with no problems but since we said "I do" I can't seem to get much right! For example, the other night I was cooking meatloaf and for the life of me couldn't understand why it wasn't cooking. Maybe because I had the wrong burner on! Yeah, an entire hour with the wrong burner on, it’s amazing Daniel gets anything to eat!

And since getting married I have gained weight. What's with that?! How did that happen?! I can't fit in to anything! I'm trying not to yell and scream out of frustration to much in front of Daniel; after all it’s not his fault! But not being able to fit in to your clothes SUCKS. I need motivation. All I need to do is go down to the apartment workout room and walk on the treadmill for a little while. That's all! But I'm lazy and easily distracted so I don’t. I just fuss about all the weight I’ve gained. I need to change….

I did manage to kill our first attempt at a pet as well. We got a little aquatic frog on Sunday and it was dead by the time I got home from work on Monday. Daniel is accepting full responsibility but it’s my fault. The poor little thing died hungry, cold and alone! How sad is that?! I’m not sure we should venture in to parenthood for a LONG time.

Geesh, I make it sound like everything is horrible! It isn’t. I love being married and I love going home to Daniel every night. I’ve just had a rough week or so. It’ll get better. I’ll start walking, I’ll learn how to work the stove and everything will be “happily ever after” all over again.

Right now I just need to vent to someone other then my poor husband who I’m sure is one melt down away from having me committed.

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