Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Confessions on a Crazy Mrs.

Let me start by saying I’m crazy. I know this! I’m not unaware. I completely understand my insecurities and neurosis. And after all these years, I know I’m a worrier and a perfectionist. Of this I’m sure.

This is my first Thanksgiving as a wife and I feel as though I should contribute. I’m a big girl now and I need to add to the Thanksgiving festivities by providing some form of food. Daniel brought home a bag of pecans he bought as a fundraiser so I decided I can bake pecan pie. I have pie plates! Daniel’s mother provided them at one of our showers and now I can use them for our very first Thanksgiving together. How hard can it be?! I drag the super secret family recipe out of my mother and head to the store. I’m not ready to make homemade pie crust so I’m searching for the Pillsbury roll out kind. They don’t have any. We circle the store twice and nothing! I feel defeated already, Thanksgiving is ruined. We find the already-in-a-pie-plate crust and my sweet husband suggests we just use that.

“BUT I HAVE TO USE MY PIE PLATES!!” I scream as we’re standing in a packed Wal-Mart with mobs of people everywhere. To which my patient husband looks at me with those ‘Oh Lord, she’s in freak-mode’ eyes and calmly says, “Ok, we’ll keep looking.”

I’m not sure why he loves me but I’m sure glad he does. The pie looks good and if no one gets sick after tonight, I’m in the clear. :)

On a happy note, we got two new little frogs! We got them Sunday and they’re still alive! They even play! They are SO cute and they look so happy. I’m trying to not love them to death. Daniel says me tapping on the side of the bowl makes them nervous so I’m trying not to.

Tomorrow is our first Thanksgiving as Mr. & Mrs. Christie. How cool is that?!


Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

Thanks! I was beginning to wonder if anyone read my silly little blog. :)

In the Mix said...

I read your blog. Sorry I haven't commented. I think that my Daniel probably has some stories about my craziness. I think every woman is entitled to a certain level of insanity. Hope your Thanksgiving was good and your pies turned out.
Merry Christmas from the Madgwicks!