Monday, December 14, 2009

Lessons learned

Atticus and I had a play date at my mom's today. She needed some rooms cleared out and I didn't want to leave Atti alone so he came along. He handled his fist long car ride very well until we were about a mile from her house. Then he proceeded to throw up everything he had eaten for breakfast. Lovely! Poor thing. So we drove the last mile to her house with the windows down and me trying not to gag. :)

Atticus got to play with mom's dog Woody. He's an aging lab/rottweiler mix that is the sweetest dog. And today I cried for him. Somewhere along the way he got old, he has trouble moving and seems very arthritic. He looks older and older every time I go over there. It's going to break my heart when it's his time to go. The cycle of life is stupid!

There was this silly little show on Saturday mornings called Eerie, Indiana. It was about a boy who lived in this town where weird things happened. One episode he meets the kids next door that appear to never age. It turns out their mom makes them sleep in big Tupperware type beds called "Foreverware" and they stay young forever! I wish Foreverware was real. Then I could keep things just the way they are and I would never have to be sad.

But life doesn't work that way. One day Woody won't be there. And that's going to suck.


WordNerd80 said...

I loved Eerie, Indiana! Everyone who remembers that show remembers the "Foreverware" episode.

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

:) I'm a TOTAL nerd and I bought the DVD's as soon as I found them online. Now I can enjoy it whenever I want!