Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010 - Bring it on!

I hate making resolutions. LAME-O-RAMA!! Mainly because as soon as I make said "resolutions" I forget what they are. Now I'm putting them is writing which totally sucks because now I'll have constant reminders of what I promised myself I'd do. Well, here goes....I resolve to....

1. Find a Church. I hate looking for Churches. I don't like new people and I hate being pressured. I just want to sneak in the back, figure out if it's going to be a good fit and then leave once the service is over! I don't want to stand and announce 'I'm a visitor'. I don't want people calling all week to see if we're going to make it back next Sunday. I should also resolve to have a better attitude apparently. If anyone has any churches to recommend in the La Porte, Texas area please let me know!

2. Find a new job. I need to feel like I'm contributing more and it's time I move on. I guess I should add 'figure out what I want to be when I grow up'. This resolution stuff is getting complicated!

3. Learn to sew. I got a sewing machine for Christmas and I'm so excited to start my new adventure! Although I'm a horrible perfectionist so we'll see how that goes.

4. Be more creative in the kitchen. My dear husband never complains but I'm sure he's tired of the same 'go-to' meals I keep making. :) I have recipe books! I need to use them.

5. Get healthy. I've gained some weight since we got married and I think that's adding to my poopy attitude. I need to figure out what I'm going to enjoy doing (yeah right) and stick to it!

Ok, that wasn't so bad! I can do this! I just need to get a game plan, make some lists, do some research and stay focused. I can do this...I can do this...

I have all year, right?!


In the Mix said...

I like your list. I think you've chosen some very achievable goals for the year.
If you're a perfectionist and you want to sew, you should try quilting. It seems daunting but I'm finding I love it.
Ditto on church finding. Blegh.

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

'Make a Quilt' is actually on my Life List! That's like a resolution list but it's for 'during my lifetime' so there's not as much pressure. :)