Sunday, January 24, 2010

Today's Soap Box

It just breaks my heart and makes me sad. They can be found every where you look - the mall, the movies or walking through the halls of High Schools. The young girls sporting the ever trendy “baby bump”. They walk around with a baby like it’s the newest, hottest accessory. And I just don’t get it. Who has failed them?

Is it the parents? The ones that don't know how to broach the subject so don't. Are broken homes to blame? Are girls struggling with the ever popular "daddy issues" - looking to replace a love they've missed?

Is it our education system? School districts that feel teaching abstinence is "too Christian" so they replace it with "safe sex" education where students are educated on condoms and STD's. And then provide childcare options for their students when the "safe sex" lesson doesn't stick.

Is it our society as a whole? A society that idolizes unwed teen mothers by making them the lead story on national news. A society where Teen Mom's get their own TV show, SEVERAL TV shows! I'm disgusted with the amount of "teen" shows that are filled with sex.

We've all failed them. We failed to tell them they are worth more then that. Our young girls are confused. They think love = sex . They are putting their little bodies through way more then they should at such young ages and they don't see anything wrong with it. They absolutely do not see anything wrong with it. It's just what you do. How sad is that? They are WORTH so much MORE!

Call me old fashioned but I earned the right to wear white on my wedding day and I was PROUD. I wasn't ashamed, I wasn't embarrassed! I understood at a young age that sex changes everything. I also knew I never wanted to have to get married and the ONLY sure way to avoid pregnancy is to wait. It wasn't always easy but it was always worth it. Because I was worth it. And I waited until I found someone that knew I was worth it.

But where do we start? What will it take to make a difference? I think we need to start with our girls. Girls have the potential to hold all of the power and if more of them understood, things might be different! I think if we reach our young girls early there might be a difference made. The problem is our young girls are searching for something. They all desire love and acceptance and they are finding it in all the wrong places. If it is ingrained in them at a very young age that they are strong and powerful and worth SO much, would it make a difference? I can’t help but think that if they knew how fantastic they were - they wouldn't have to keep searching.

Girls today don't know they're worth it. And it makes me sad.


In the Mix said...

So true, Timberly. It breaks my heart and disgusts me to see this sort of degradation applauded by so many. How very sad that it is the norm to grow up before they should.

WordNerd80 said...

It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Imagine teaching a classroom with these girls in it. How do you stress the need to write academically well and speak grammatically correctly when you know they have a much bigger set of responsibilities coming their way?