Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The difference between Life and God

Nationwide Insurance has an Ad campaign with the tag line "Life comes at you fast". I like that. We rock along and get complacent with our day-to-day routine. We wake up and go to work and come home and wake up and go to work.....We do the same thing every day and never for one second do we think anything is going to change. A false sense of security sets in and we're invincible. And then BAM - Life hits you with a Mack Truck and everything changes.

We buried a good man today. Daniel and I spent the day in north Texas celebrating the life of a man taken to soon. He was killed tragically in a work related accident leaving behind a wife who is due with their first child in November. And my heart breaks for them. His widow (I hate that word) is a woman of faith and is comforted that one day they'll be together again and that God has a plan. People struggle with the thought that it was "God's plan for him to die", but I don't think that is what she meant. I think she understands that God has a plan for HER and this is the hand that Life has dealt her.

Life just doesn't care who it hurts. Life deals people sucky hands and we just have to play them. Bad things happen to good people all the time and it never makes sense to anyone but Life. Children get sick, kids grow up without a parent, parents lose their babies. There are wars and famine and hatred and sadness. And that's Life. Just Life.

God is comfort when Life steps in. He's there to strengthen and encourage us through the trails of Life. He never said it would be easy, He just promised to see me through.

So for now I'm reminded to not take every day for granted. To tell the ones I love that I love them. To make sure my heart is settled. To cherish every moment.

But eventually I'll forget.

And I'll wake up and go to work and come home and wake up and go to work....all over again.

Until the next time Life comes at me fast.


In the Mix said...

Thanks for this post, Timberley. It was well put.

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

It's something that I struggle with. We as people want someone to blame. When bad things happen, my immediate response is "why, God why?!" So I have to remind myself: it's not a God thing, it's a life thing.