Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wisdom Removed

Although we moved in to our home last August, we're still going through boxes. Daniel emptied a box just the other day so now we have piles of stuff that needs to be relocated. I noticed a little plastic cup with gauze in it on the kitchen bar this morning and I asked my beloved if it was trash.

"No! That's my wisdom teeth!"
"What?! Yeah ok, it's DEFINITELY not staying on the kitchen counter!"
"But don't you want to see them?"
"No, not so much! " I say in vain. As my husband stands in the living room with his wisdom teeth in his hand, I tell him "I'm totally blogging about this."

Daniel and I have LOTS of stuff. We've spent all of our lives collecting crap. It's meaningful crap!! Crap we're not willing to part with. And lots of it. Our house is already full. The closets are already full. We have no room for future children! I don't know where we would put them! They'll want their own room with a closet they can use for their stuff. Yeah, I'm not sure that's going to happen. :)

We'll have to relocate a lot of stuff when that day comes. Craft supplies, a vacuum, old clothes we can't part with, Christmas decorations, grad school notes (these belong to the husband).

Basically, when we're finally blessed with children, we're screwed. :)

Until next time...

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