Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 4 - What happens in the Kid Car....

...STAYS in the Kid Car!

We decide 4 days together is enough family bonding time and chose to split up. We were told early on in our California Adventure that checking the Aquarium in Monterey Bay was something we should do. So Sunday, the Kids head toward Monterey Bay.

And it was a LONG drive. A VERY long drive scrunched in the backseat with my siblings. By the time we arrive, we're tired, hungry and completely over fish. And we're not thrilled that apparently 4,000 other people were told to check out the Aquarium and thought Sunday would be a good day for a drive. (Side note: I think it's very inappropriate for an Aquarium to serve fish - it just seems rude to their inhabitants.)

We shove through the exhibits and head home and in to more traffic. Lovely. By this point, The Sisters have reached their breaking point with the Talky Boys and Tami announces that unless everyone shuts up - she's going to have to start counting $#!* like she's OCD to calm down. Then proceeds to tap on the back of the chair chanting "1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5." It made me laugh...a lot. Still does! She's hilarious.

We finally make it back to the hotel only to get back in to the car and head out for fireworks. We traipse through a neighborhood that I'm sure looks lovely in the daylight - night, not so much. Our band of Merry Men finally make it to the park in time for a beautiful firework show. Good job David! No matter how old I get - fireworks are simply magical. :)

Highlights of the day:
Attempting to take pictures of the El Camino Real Bells up and down the freeway - they fly by REALLY fast!
Daniel rolling the back window down EVERY time he tried to roll down the Drivers window - Tami and I laughed EVERY time.
Tami arguing over the pronunciation of "Cannery Road" - Poops, it's NOT Canary.
Somehow the interior lights in the car got turned on and no one knew how to turn them off - we rode like this for a while:
Think our nerves are fried now? Imagine Day 5! Stay tuned....

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