Saturday, August 14, 2010

Vegas Stinks...literally

My Big Girl job took me to Vegas this week. This was my first time to visit Vegas and I have to be honest, I wasn't impressed. It's major sensory overload! You step off the plane and immediately get hit with the smell of smoke. Everything smells like smoke. Vegas smells like an ashtray. Gross. And everything is SO loud and SO bright!! Lights and noise everywhere. Yeesh!

Me, being the high-maintenanced girly girl that I am - checked a bag. The boys rolled their eyes and gave me a hard time but I like my products and refuse to downsize to airplane regulation sized bottles. Damn terrorists (sorry for the language Mamaw but that's the truth!). So with my bag and Bert and Ernie (my hard drives) we head out to explore Vegas. We stayed at the Monte Carlo - NOT the Bellagio. Co Worker Carlos made the mistake of taking me by the Bellagio - much nicer then the Monte Carlo. And it smelled better too! Whatever.

Tuesday we wake up to shoot. Well, apparently the backpack carrying my laptop along with the two hard drives I've been lugging around has strained a muscle in my neck. I wake up with the worst crick in my neck ever. (I still have it as a matter of fact. Now I smell like Bengay. Lovely.) I decide a nice hot shower would help relax the muscles, only there isn't hot water in my hotel room. I hate Vegas. And cold showers. They only have two channels to chose from as well: the Weather Channel and Pay Per View Porn. It was suggested that this was due to the fact that they want you in the casino and not in your room. Makes sense but still sucks.

We spend the day shooting at the new Brown Hand Center in Vegas. From my observation, this might be the only building in all of Vegas without slot machines. Once we wrap, we meet up for dinner. After a lovely dinner, Co Worker Carlos decides he needs to show me the town he loves so much. So we drive up and down the Strip. It's 11pm on Tuesday and there are people EVERYWHERE. And KIDS! People bring their kids to Vegas! Huh!? I don't get it. I don't last long on the Vegas Adventure - it's not my thing. People. Crowds. Smoke. No thank you.

I wake up Wednesday for my early flight. There's hot water! YAY! I have some time so I head down to Starbucks. It's Vegas and apparently the Starbucks in the Monte Carlo Casino doesn't open up until 6am. It's 5:20am. I'm un-caffeinated, hungry, sore and unhappy. And I still hate Vegas.

I get an extra special X-ray machine at the airport. I always do, maybe I look shifty. After BARELY making our flight, we finally land in Houston. While Houston might not smell like Roses, it smells like home. After finishing the day at work, I head home.

My neck is KILLING me so pull out my microwavable heat pack and toss it in the Microwave. I follow the directions but it doesn't matter. The thing blows up like a balloon and explodes. Scares the beejesus out of the dog. He jumps on the couch and looks at me like "What the heck woman?! Where's the man? He never blows anything up!" And then refuses to walk by the microwave. Have I mentioned how much I dislike Vegas?

It's not my town. At all.

My neck is still sore - I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow. Fingers crossed that does the trick.

Until next time.....

1 comment:

In the Mix said...

Sorry your time in Vegas was so bad but I am laughing so hard right now.
I agree with you on the town. If I never had to go there again I would be a happy woman!