Friday, February 4, 2011

The Great Blizzard that Wasn't

Let's start with a fun Side Story. I've been slowly collecting my childhood on DVD. A few weeks ago I found Alice in Wonderland - the TV version with everyone under the sun in it for only $7.50! The Sister and I enjoyed a weekend of nostalgia while we watched Alice dance around Wonderland. And we didn't have to fast forward through any commercials! Awesomeness! I was in Walmart last weekend and came across The NeverEnding Story on DVD (the original, not the 2nd one - that one is crap) for again only $7.50! HOLLA!! "Daniel!! Look what I found!! 'Call out my name, Bastian!!'" My Beloved shakes his head, rolls his eyes and says "get it." :) YAY!

For the past week we've heard nothing but "snow, Snow, SNOW!!!!!" We were told we were going to get 2 - 5 inches. INCHES people!! I live in HOUSTON - the possibility of snow is MAGICAL! I remember when we were little, we spent the night with my grandmother and woke up to snow. Everything was white and beautiful! We bundled up and with socks on our hands, we played in the snow. With all this hype, I was looking forward to frolicking in a Winter Wonderland.

Only this morning we woke up to ice, Ice, ICE!! Not snow. I can't make 'Ice Angels' - that's just lame. So I'm ragey and offended - Mother Nature is stupid and mean. Daniel has the News on so we can stay informed. Every time they mention snow - I get cranky and loud. It's snowing everywhere else but in Houston and at our house. This makes me sad. And cranky and loud!

Daniel: "Great, is this how it's going to be all day?"
Me: "We could watch The NeverEnding Story!"
My Beloved: *eyes rolling* "Great." (I don't think my Beloved shares in my enthusiasm regarding the movies of my childhood - foolish boy.)

Instead of snow, we got ice and a lot of cold. So I'm catching up on my Stories, finishing up some stuffed bunnies and cleaning the house.

Snow = MAGIC!
Ice = Chores

Stupid Mother Nature.


WordNerd80 said...

I would have gladly let you spend the last few days here in Dallas so you could enjoy the snow that hit yesterday. I'm also super jealous that you found Alice on DVD. We too had it recorded on TWO video tapes from when it came on television.

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

I found Alice at Walmart!! And it's still AWESOME! If I need to ship one to you - that can probably be arranged. :)