Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I got style!! Dana says so!!

My friend Dana at says I have style! :) She awarded me the Stylist Blogger Award and I'll take it! Now I get to share some facts about me and nominate some Stylish Bloggers of my own!

But first, a special thanks to Dana. She brings me joy. I love how much love their family oozes. :) I find her encouraging and uplifting and I'm so glad she likes my hat. :)

Seven Random Facts about me....
1: I don't like water in my face. At all.
2: I really like writing and I'm thankful I get to write more in my new Big Girl job.
3: When I was younger, I wanted a 'normal' name. But I've grown to love my unique name and wouldn't trade it for the world.
4: I bought a pair of shoes the other day that are identical to the shoes I wore on our wedding day - because I love them and I never want to be without them.
5: I talk to my Mom almost every day and I have conversations with my dad when I'm in driving.
6: I've always colored inside the lines. I take coloring VERY seriously and hated to share my coloring books.
7: I would be completely lost without my husband, my library card and my DVR.

Now for MY Stylish Bloggers!!

Sarah at I've never actually met Sarah but she's married to one of my favorite people so therefore she's family. She's refreshingly honest and awfully crafty! They have a beautiful family and I love being able to see inside their lives even though they live far away.

JoRonda at She is probably the most optimistic, faithful person I've ever met. Her constant faith is such an encouragement. Right now the Northcutt Family live in Thailand and I love reading about their new adventures.

Kelley at She's the Young One and she makes me laugh! And following her as she adjusts to being a grown up reminds me I might have been young... once. Although I always wore sensible shoes.

Jade at Once again, I've never met Jade but I admire her for what she's started. She has created a community of people who come together to craft for a cause and it's always humbling and rewarding to participate in one of their Projects.

Your Turn!
Here are the rules:
Thank and link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
Share seven things about yourself.
Award your top bloggers, and be sure to let them know!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Congrats and stay warm out there today. I'm not far from ya...