Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just like a dream...only not

Last night we had to go to an awards dinner for my Big Girl job. It was our first fancy dress party. So my dress adventure begins....

Shopping Adventure: The Girls from work and I head to Dillard's one night after work. After not fitting in to anything my size - I was close to a breakdown. I try on the PERFECT dress only it won't zip. Awesome. Kelley brings me the same dress in a larger size and it looks FANTASTIC! (A size I don't want to discuss but fantastic!) So we look for shoes. While I don't find any for the dress - I do find my wedding shoes! The PERFECT pair of red shoes! My wedding shoes are old and not in great shape - so like a crazy person, I buy the shoes...again. :) They bring me joy. (Side Story: I have the guy bring me my size and rush to check out only to get home and discover they were the wrong shoes. Hells bells. I had to exchange them on my lunch break the next day.)

Fancy Dress Party: So the day of the party arrives and we get all dolled up. I have this nagging fear that someone else will be wearing my fantastic dress. I'm a worry wort. I figured it's going to be cold so I grab my black wrap just in case. We get to the hotel and start walking around the banquet. As we're walking around, I'm constantly glancing around, hoping my dress doesn't show up. Only it's me so it totally does. She walks in and I immediately wrap up. Now you can't tell - crisis averted. If only.

I go to the Ladies Room and as I'm occupied, it occurs to me how ironic it would be to have Dress #2 walk in at the same time. No way - just my imagination taking over! Only it's me so it isn't. I come out of the stall and bump in to my dress. Fun times. We look at each other and I say "That's a GREAT dress!" to which she replies "Well $#*$." :) We have a quick little laugh, I wrap back up and head back out.

I should write a book. :)

We did look fabulous.
Until next time....


Kristl said...

Yes, but I'm sure you looked the best in the dress!

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

:) My husband thought so! And I did have the better shoes.