Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Big Girl Job no more

There has been some recent changes at work that have made me a little bit worried regarding my position. Work was slowing down, we lost a client and my little voice said - "ready yourself". I'm a people reader and I'm receptive so I knew something was coming. My Beloved and I spent the weekend discussing it and I knew it in my bones. And yesterday it happened.

I got laid off.

And it didn't upset my world because I saw it coming. And it was a little bit of a relief to finally know. Waiting and worrying sucks.

So while I'm anxious about what I'm going to do next, I'm excited at all the possibilities. I wouldn't trade the things I've learned in my (almost) year there and I can't wait to see what God has next for me. I hate leaving the people I'm used to seeing on a daily basis but I also think things happen for a reason. And I know I'm going to be okay.

Daniel has Spring Break this week so we will get some time hanging out before I dive in to finding my next big adventure.

I'll say it again - life comes at you fast.

Until next time...


Unknown said...

I love your attitude. Hope something amazing comes your way soon!

In the Mix said...

I'm so sorry. Praying for something fantastic to come your way!