Monday, March 7, 2011

Odds and Ends

The Joys of Pet Parenting: My Beloved had to be at work VERY early on Saturday morning for an event at the school. When he gets up - Atticus gets up so he lets Atti out as he finishes getting ready. When he goes to let the dog back in, it's POURING and he refuses to come to the door. At 4:30am I can hear the dog scratching at the door so I get up to let him in. I get to the door and he is SOAKING WET happy as a Lark! Smiling and wagging his tail saying "Momma, I got to play in the rain!" Grrrrr......

So now I have to turn the lights on, take my wrist braces off and dry the stupid dog off. Which apparently at 4:30am on a Saturday morning equals a game. With his bone in his mouth - he's running (DRIPPING) around the house as if he's lost his mind. Grrrr.....again.

Revisiting Old Haunts: I got to stop by the Rodeo last week to visit my Studio friends. It was nice to walk through the chaos and know I couldn't do anything to help. It was reassuring to me that I still knew the answers to some of their questions and even more reassuring that I couldn't answer some. There's someone in my office - I'm trying to be okay with that.

The Man Child: Travis comes home at the end of this week for Spring Break. I'm kind of excited! His birthday is the 16th and he's going to get to spend a few days with us. I'm looking forward to it. Although the idea of him turning 17 make me anxious and sad, I'll try to pretend it doesn't. (He'll know better though - he always does.)

New Adventures: I have something in mind. It's something I've thought about doing for a while now and I think I can do it! You never know until you try, right?

Until next time....

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