Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I need a drink...

I should never be allowed to leave the house or converse with people. It should just never be done. Ever. I should stay bundled up in my house with my trusty DVR and my dog and become a Hermit. Can you tell it has been one of those kind of days?!

So my before mentioned Big Girl job caused me Big Girl stress which then led to me having monthly massages - something I NEVER thought I would do. Well since losing my Big Girl job, I need to cancel my monthly membership to massage-establishment-not-far-from-home. This is how that conversation goes:

Me: Yes, I need to cancel my membership due to loss of job.
Massage Personnel: Ok, we will need a written document from your employer saying you were terminated.
Me: So I have to contact my past employer who is not always the picture of understanding to have them make a document saying I was let go?
MP: Yes ma'am.
Me: Awesome.

She then tells me I'm going to lose my massage for the month when I cancel my membership so I need to come in before I cancel. I schedule one for 3pm today with someone that is NOT my Masseuse BFF Barbara because Barbara has apparently abandoned me. (The tension in my neck is increasing.....)

So I email my former boss and she emails me a nice little document. I print it up this morning - only there isn't any ink. Of course there isn't any ink. So I get in the car and drive to Best Buy to buy ink only to return home to print the email to get back in to the car to drive back to the Best Buy shopping center for my massage. Yep.

So I arrive 15 minutes early to handle my cancellation. They ask my last name and I get a look - I always do. Having the last name of Christie is apparently a trial. She looks at the schedule and says "Ma'am, we don't have you on the schedule for today." Well of course you don't.

Never fear! "There's an opening at 3 and we'll fit you in. " Awesome. I get all the paperwork squared away and wait. As I'm waiting, the girl behind the counter asks me how to say my first name.

Me: Timberley
Her: Oh - so just how it's spelled.

My eye is twitching.

So I finally go back and God bless the woman - I've never been hurt so much in my life. I'm going to be black and blue for a week! My headache is worse then it was going in! The hour of torture ends and as I'm getting dressed, I get twisted in my camisole and fall over. Hells bells.

I need a drink.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd say you needed a girlfriend happy hour. Sheesh.