Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Big Girl Job 2.0

I got a job! YAY! I'm the new Education Event Planner for SkinMedica. I will be responsible for planning their training seminars all over the nation. It's a new position so there is lots of potential and I'm so thrilled. I'm stationed in Houston and will get to do some traveling which is exciting! And the New Boss doesn't scoff when I check a bag! SCORE!

I was really surprised they offered me the job. I'm not always good in interviews; I get nervous and say things I probably shouldn't. For instance, one of the questions they asked me was what 4 words would my previous boss use to describe me and the first word that came to mind was 'strange' so I went with that. Seriously. I started with 'strange'. I then went on to explain why and apparently sold it well because they hired the Strange One. Yay!

So now I have a new commute (SHORTER! Thank you Lord!) to a new office with new responsibilities. And while I have to get used to going to work every day, it'll totally be worth it.

Although I'm not sure Atticus agrees. :)

Until next time......


Unknown said...

Congratulations, friend!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, friend!

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

Thanks Dana!!

The Northcutt's: said...

so happy for you, can't wait to hear all about the new adventures at the new job!!

Kristl said...

Yay! A new job, congrats. And I think strange is a good quality to have. I'm taking it as a good sign that your new boss thinks so too.

In the Mix said...

Congratulations...a little late. :/ I hope it's going well.

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

:) Thanks Sarah!