Thursday, July 7, 2011

Muggle seeking Magic

So I'm a total nerd and I'm totally okay with that. I love all things Harry Potter. I've read the books several times and I listen to the Audio books a lot. (Jim Dale reads all the voices just like I read them - it's fantastic!) And I now own all of the movies minus 7.2 that doesn't open until next week. And trust me - I have plans to see it. Not at midnight because I don't like people - but I will see it! And it's like it's goodbye. Reading the final book was hard but I knew there was going to be a movie so.....

But now, now it's just done.

I love reading. I love what books do for me. They take me away and immerse me in a new world with new friends and new adventures! And JK Rowling offered me lots of new friends. She writes characters we love like Neville and Luna and Dobby! She gave us a family you wanted to be a part of. Made us care for a boy who doesn't really exist. Had us crying when our 'friends' didn't make it. And characters we loathe like Tom Riddle, Snape and Umbridge - who in my opinion is the most vile character ever written. Ever! Trust me - the woman is HORRIBLE!!

And she makes us so comfortable with their world that we always want to go back.

So next Friday I'll march with the masses to say goodbye to my magic friends. I'll cry the entire time - I already know which of my friends aren't going to make it out. Sadness. But I'll go to put my friends to rest....

...until the next time I need a little magic in my world.


In the Mix said...

I feel exactly the same way.

WordNerd80 said...

Amen sister! I am actually cooking up my farewell Potter blog right now:).