Thursday, July 14, 2011

What's in a Name

Today I'm getting to work from home due to our office being without Internet. It's nice to sit in my dinning room and work while the dog sleeps on the couch and rain is falling outside. Such a lovely afternoon!

I'm thinking about making a change to my little blog. I feel "Daily Dose of Crazy" might be false advertisement and the guilt is getting to me. While I am crazy...daily, I don't always post daily.

So here are some ideas:

"Was that my Outside Voice?" - this seems a bit too long to me.
"Helmet Not Included" - if you know me at all, you know I'm a TOTAL calamity and should probably wear a helmet or be in a bubble at all times. I'm currently covered in bruises resulting from a recent car accident. Lovely.
"Until Next Time" - this is how I usually end my blog postings. It's simple and true!
"Daily Dose of Crazy" - or I could always stay the same and you, the reader (all 12 of you) will have to be forgiving about it not always being 'daily'.

What's your vote? Is it totally inappropriate to change the name of your blog at random? Got any ideas yourself? Let me know, I'm easily distracted. Hey!! That would be another one!! "Easily Distracted" See - it's totally appropriate.

Until next time....


kellcox said...

My vote: was that my Outside Voice?

Aunt Krazy said...

Leave it alone. I like it. I don't like changes, so I might have to up my meds if you change the name from what our family is!!! I'm used to being CRAZY! jk, but I do like the name "as-is", and if you want to change it, we will adjust, and if.... (OK, was ALL THAT my outside voice? "Hey! Can't you see I'm typing here?") Bwa-ha-ha....

Kristl said...

I like your title as is and I promise I'm not judging you for not being 'daily'. Besides, living in a glass house myself, I'm not sure I should comment on timely postings. Did you notice my pregnancy posts went from 13 weeks to 39 weeks? I have those other pictures, but really who cares about the mid pregnancy pictures now that he's out? He's way cuter than my my belly was anyway.

My advice, keep your title and post when you can. You have the best posts anyway, even if they only come once a month.

Love you!!

In the Mix said...

I like Daily Dose of Crazy. I'm not at all offended that it's a little outside of the truth. :)