Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Doctors: Dr. Hare

When I got the mutant diagnoses, my regular doctor referred me to Dr. Hare to discuss options. She specializes in high risk pregnancies. My Beloved and I met with her after we got married to discuss what the diagnoses meant for our future family plans. She's not my regular doctor so when I got emotional she recommended medication. :) After I found out we were expecting, I started seeing her every 4 - 6 weeks as well. 

At the first ultrasound I asked if it was a boy or a girl (joking of course). This caused her to raise her eyebrows and say "it looks like a Lima Bean." :) 

At the next ultrasound, Daniel attended. (We decided it would be more comfortable for everyone involved if he waited until the ultrasounds were more external.) The two of us together can be highly entertaining. The doctor shows us the little baby shaped thing and I say it doesn't look anything like a naval orange. This causes her to stop "a naval orange?"
Me: Yes, according to the book the baby is supposed to be the size of a naval orange.
Dr: Which book would that be?
Me: What To Expect When You're Expecting
Dr: Oh, that book. eyes rolling All pregnant women think that's the Bible.
Me: Well, I don't really trust it. It says you shouldn't do Cocaine while you're pregnant. 
Dr: stops ultrasound because she's laughing too hard
Oops. She then asks if we want to know the sex, it's early but she can make an 'educated guess'. I say no thank you - let's be sure because when she tells me, I'm going to start shopping and if 6 weeks later it's something else - there's going to be scene. Another pause due to laughter. She invited me and Daniel to return to the office every day and then ordered a drug test. ;) She was kidding about the drug test....I think.

We got to see her this week for our 20 week check up. (20 weeks!!! Eeek!!) She asks if we want to know the sex now because she seems to remember me threatening her the last time. I say it wasn't a threat! I just promised a scene! She said she's fully equipped to handle a scene. I point out that unfortunately she knows my mom and if my mom finds out I caused a scene - I'd get a spanking. This causes more laughter. She then tells us that we're expecting a little GIRL! She hands Daniel a 3D type picture of our unborn child and he promptly asks the doctor "she's going to get cuter right?" Yeesh. 

I've been good and I haven't cried once in her office! And I think she likes us - I even got a hug at the last visit! HOLLA!!! 

I should mention that both doctors know and work closely with my mom at her hospital. She trusts them and I know we're in good hands. And I'm thankful for them both.

Until next time...

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