Wednesday, January 15, 2014

More of This & That

Napping with Nana: No words needed. 

A Tainted Throne: She still LOVES her couch. She pushes it all over the living room, sits in it, plays on it, lays on it. This morning she spent some time playing on it. When she started looking sleepy, I decided to lay it out to see if she would nap on it. Only when I opened it - Evil was waiting. Crawling up the inside corner of her couch was an evil, undead roach. (WHY, GOD, WHY??!?!!? Of ALL the places, WHY!?!?!)

Insert scream #1. 

I immediately close the couch because Alice sees the bug with curious eyes that clearly say "oh! wussat?!" No ma'am. I begin lightly kicking the couch around the living room and quickly call my mom. When in doubt - I call mom. She laughs at my tantrum, REFUSES to drive the 40 minutes to my house to save us and tells me "you can do this!" Does she not know me at all?!?!

So while she's on the line - I kick the couch to the back door (insert screams 2 - 4) with the toddling baby close behind fussing; she does not approve of the Momma moving her couch. I open the door, kick the couch out and step on to the porch. With the phone in my hand (I obviously need a witness in case the roach eats my face off and the proper authorities need to be alerted) I fling the couch open, scream like a crazed Banshee and smoosh the roach with my Beloved's work boot. The baby is screaming from inside the house ("that's MY COUCH!!!!") and my mom is laughing ("now we know where Alice gets her scream from!") and I need a drink. 

Calling to schedule an appointment with the exterminator has been on my To Do list, however, today it moved to position #1. She says "we can come out today" - oh heavens, no! I'm in no condition to entertain. So they're coming Monday. 

I call my Beloved to let him know I'm now having a complete meltdown and he should be proud I didn't call for him to come home to kill the Evil. He says "that's good because I would have had to say 'no'." Yeah, that's what I figured. I then go on to tell him this means the couch must now be burned Velveteen Rabbit style - obviously - and replaced. He says no to that too. "There has been EVIL ON IT!!!" This doesn't matter. We'll see.....

Now I have bugs all over me. In my hair. On the baby. Everywhere. 

I'm so thankful she didn't touch it. Had she found it first and had it in her can't even deal. I might need a blood pressure pill. Oh Lord. 

She's napping now. When she wakes up, all of her toys are going in the wash. ALL. OF. THEM. Twice. 

I know somewhere the angels are laughing, "Hey! Want to see something funny?!" 

I just can't. 

I need a bath and some wine. Ok. LOTS of wine. 

Walking: Her walking skills have improved so much in the last few days! She toddles everywhere and can now stand herself back up when she falls. She's always amazing. 
Until next time.....

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