Tuesday, September 23, 2014

College - The Return

I've seen the future and the future is bleak. 

I've been in school a few weeks now and I'm worried about our future. Seriously. If these are the people who will rise up and lead - we are screwed. So very screwed. 

I finally started my biology class so I go three days a week now.

Let me just tell you how the first day of class goes. We wait for forever for a teacher who finally shows up but doesn't know the key code to get into the class. We get all that settled and we start learning. (To his defense, I'm gathering he was thrown into the position rather late in the game and is still adjusting to teaching again. He's a retired ER MD and I find him endearing.) 

But let's back up a bit. As we're gathered outside of the class waiting, I people watch. I look around and there is a guy who has shown up with nothing but a phone. No writing utensil. No paper. No book. Just a phone. For reals. 

Let's continue.

We start by going over the syllabus and the required books - of which I've already purchased but I'm apparently the only student in the world of college life now that buys the book before class. (Yet another side rant - this was not a cheap book and it didn't even come with a spine! I had to buy a binder to put it in! What is the world coming to?!) So we go over the books and there's a lab manual that wasn't included on the required books before class started. No problem, we have a break before lab and we can run on over the bookstore then. Only they don't have the manual and it will take a week to get it in. So no lab last week. Fun times. We all have our lab manuals now so it's all good. 

So today, I arrived to class early and while we were waiting for class to start, a student approached the instructor and asked if he could not take the test next Tuesday because he JUST bought the book and he's behind on the reading. This is a student that has been in the class since day one. And he's NOT the guy that came to class with nothing but a phone!

I almost fell off my stool. Seriously, with his mouth, he asked the teacher this. And he was serious. The teacher of course said no because that's the most ridiculous request ever. These are grown people, folks. And this is reason #456 of why I'm not in education. There would be NO WAY I could control my "are you crazy?!" eyebrows - they have a mind of their own. 

After class today, my 'study group' had to meet up. They give me heartburn. There are 4 of us. Two of us do the work, one of us does about 30% of the assignment and the fourth didn't even know what chapter we were on. Y'all. She asked if the flashcards I was studying were for the entire semester so far. No. They are JUST for the quiz TOMORROW. And my grade is dependent on these people. Oiy vey. I had already typed the assignment because I'm a control freak and I want to KNOW it's getting done. And tomorrow I will turn it in with all 4 names even though I know it was only 2ish of us that did it. And this will happen every week until the others drop the class. 

Lord, give me strength. 

My side-rant is just how lazy people are. If you're paying for a class, why not attempt to do your best? Why on earth would someone think a teacher would let you reschedule a test because you're not ready?! 

The greatest example of the laziness is the electronic handicap doors. People with working legs and arms will hit the button and wait the extra 20 seconds it takes for the door to slowly open rather than walk the two extra steps and pull....the....handle....

This drives me bananas. Every time. 

So while I have my concerns with the state of our future, I am comforted in the knowledge that these souls might be too lazy to rise up and attempt to lead. So there's the silver lining! 

My mom is concerned the before mentioned people will see this on Facebook. I reassure her that I'm not friends with these people. Nope. Not happening. I'm pretty sure they BARELY know my name. One of the girls asked if Christie was my middle name today. I mean, come on. And last week, LMB typed the assignment and instead of ASKING our names at the review, she just had us scribble our names on the top of the page right before she turned it in. I'm willing to bet 4 quarters she doesn't know my last name either. My grade + these people. Yep. 

I did get to buy Scantrons for the first time in a LONG time today. That was fun! And it's totally fun to be back on a college campus with my Beloved. It makes me all smiley and giggly when I see him between classes. He's such a cutie. ;)

Until next time.....

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