Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The 2nd Year

Happy birthday, Bugaloo!!

Today you turn 2. 

This has been another year of firsts!

First steps. First trip to Disney World. First visit to the Zoo. First day of school. Lots and lots of firsts! 

You have grown so much this year and your personality has done nothing but develop and grow with you. It brings us so much joy to watch you dance. I smile every time I catch you twirling to a tune you are humming, a tune only you know. I can see your imagination working and it makes my heart so happy. I hope you never let go of that. Hold on to the wonder and the magic as long as you can. 

You have developed a desire to help and it's so much fun watching you learn where things go and how to take direction. And it has been entertaining observing your dedication to getting what you want and the results of being told 'no'. 

You are selective in who you give kisses to. This is something else I think you should always hold on to. But your parents don't count! You should always kiss your parents! 

You will eat almost anything. You like to stack things and put things in to other things. We often have to search for something you've managed to hide. 

We know you know words and understand words, however, you are still not saying any. But boy do you jabber! You can recognize pictures and items. 

You LOVE being spun around. L.O.V.E. You smile and giggle every time someone is willing to spin you around. 

You are still one very loved little girl. Even through the tantrums, you are loved. Always.

We are so very thankful for you.

Our wish for the coming year is for you to continue to grow and learn and imagine. We hope you play and play and play! Soak it all in, baby girl. It's all there for you. 

With love,
Mom & Dad

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