First, let's get the lame stuff out of the way. I still have no clue what I'm going to do. I'm looking into other work-from-home options but nothing sounds appealing anymore. I'm in a funk so I'm going to do what I planned on doing for the summer - hang out with Alice. When she's back in Mother's Day Out this fall, I'll have more time to focus on what our next plan will be. The only thing I KNOW I want to do is to be there for her. Always. So that's where we are. Maybe I could create things to sell. Maybe I could write a book. Who knows. I KNOW what I don't want to do but I still can't see what I'm meant to do. So, I'm in a funk. And to distract myself from said 'funk', I'm playing with our extremely busy child.
And she's totally over naps which means my life might be totally over too. ;) Now I will get nothing done and I have less time to blog now than I did before. I'm hoping she isn't tearing up the living room right now as I type this... My Beloved came home to a disheveled house and wife and a toddler SCREAMING with joy at the top of her lungs and I said, "maybe it's time I go back to work full time. She could be ready for daycare!" But I don't really mean it. Mostly.
Now for how Alice is doing!
She is talking SO MUCH and it CRACKS me up. Her new favorite phrase is "dang it" and she uses it often. The other morning she noticed her baby picture on my phone and said "baby ayice! (Alice)" I said, "yes! but you're not a baby anymore, you're a big girl!" She looked down with somber eyes and said, "dang it". Yep, I feel ya kid.
She struggles with 'ffff' sounds so 'pone' is phone, 'pork' is fork, 'peckles' are freckles, and 'pish' are fish. She says 'cickles' for tickles and yesterday she started calling Atticus - Catacus. He doesn't respond to that either.
She says, "come on" and "go away" and "preedy peas!" She will attempt to repeat everything you say. She is doing so much better and she talks ALL THE TIME. She is my mini-me. Lord, be with Daniel.
When I'm frustrated with Daniel, I say, "DANIEL!"
I gave her my old jewelry box with some old bracelets, watches and a few necklaces. She was showing them to Daniel the other night when he hid one behind his back. She puts her hands on her hips and said, "Daniel! Gimme my bracelets!" and I LAUGHED!!! She's going to be a trip.
I try to get it on tape but as soon as I'm recording, she clams up. Obviously. But she brings me so much joy. Even on days when I'm at my wits end and I'm THISCLOSE to calling a circus to join - she'll walk up to me, throw her arms around me, and say, "Momma! I miss you!" and that's it. I'm hooked again.
She is just so very entertaining.
And that's where we are right now. I'll try to post again soon. I gave myself some summer goals and while we already checked one off the list, there are a few that worry me. Potty training seems so very scary.
So hang in there with me and know that I appreciate you checking in on us. (Aunt Kristl - I love you!)
Until next time.....
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