Our child's spiritual gifts are finding the loophole and rationally justifying her actions.
For example, this summer I instituted the Snack Chart which limited her to 3 snacks a day with only a handful of options. Once these snacks were consumed, nothing else could be asked for. Meals did not count as snacks so she would eventually ask for breakfast after her snacks were consumed.
Addendum added."No, ma'am. If meals are not consumed during assigned meal time, they are forfeited for the day."
Alice DID NOT approve of this. At all.
She also feels like if she changes clothes - that's reason enough to start the snack chart over. Girl, please.
Her "But I was in my jammies!! And now I'm in my clothes!" Makes sense to her!
But nope. That's not how this works.
And she knows WAY TOO MANY words.
Someone taught her 'rude.' Now when we fuss at her, she says, "that is so rude!"
She also knows 'decent' so when she's super tired after a LOOOOOONG night of fighting bed time, she is quick to tell me in the morning that we should let her go to bed at a decent hour. Girl, please.
I am not the best with my language. I try! But I fail. And she picks it up like a sponge and uses it when she knows she shouldn't. She will look you in the eye and say something that is unbecoming of a little lady just to test how fast you will respond.
I've blogged about it before.
It's a daily struggle.
Like the other day when she was bouncing on the bed and made something fall off and said, "Oh, Jesus!"
I immediately said, "Alice Anne!!"
Her response, "No, Momma! Not that Jesus!! I was talking about the Jesus in my heart. You know, he died for my sins."
Me "Are you trying to tell me you were praying?!"
Her "Uh huh!"
Y'all. I just can't.
I continued to fuss at her, explaining that I understood what she was saying and reminded her she KNEW it wasn't nice to say.
"But not THAT Jesus, Momma!"
I'm going to have to answer for this, I just know it.
Until next time.....
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