Monday, December 3, 2018


In August, we started the AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) diet in an attempt to decrease some of my symptoms and fix my health. Our original research into Granulomatous Mastitis mentioned that the disease sometimes presents with underlying autoimmune issues. I had another scan coming up so I thought it might be good to try.

The first 30 days require you to get rid of anything and everything that would bring you joy. 

No, really.

We bought the Autoimmune Solution Cookbook by Amy Myers, MD. I got overwhelmed reading it so my Beloved read it.

It has lots of information and he finished by saying, "we should try this, it could help you."

So we did.

And the first 30 days were HARD!!!! 

But we did it.

I was never 100% compliant because the shopping list for this diet is stupid expensive. So I did what I could and I avoided all the large items.

I lost 10 pounds which was most likely inflammation. I have been on steroids for almost two years now so I was carrying a lot of extra weight. 

I do not have a hard diagnosed autoimmune issue meaning my symptoms do not check off any of the same boxes for some diseases.

For example, Psoriasis symptoms are easily noticeable. I do not have such symptoms.  

So I am not sure how much it helped my issues. 

The scan still showed diseased tissue - more on that later. 

However, with the weight loss, my blood pressure was MUCH better and the redness in my face was gone. I was no longer itchy all over and my anxiety was SO MUCH BETTER. 

Again, my autoimmune issues are tricksy so I don't know how much they helped but I felt so much better and that made it worth it.

I am not as strict as I was the first 30 days but I am monitoring what I eat much better.

And I miss things. But I've found some substitutions.

I miss cereal so yesterday at HEB we found one that's mostly obedient. And it's not bad!

I've worked occasional caffeine and alcohol back in because I'm human and I have needs.

Some days, I let my guard down and eat like I have no issues and my body calls me all the names in the book and revolts so I try not to forget the next time. 

But I do. Because tacos.

I'm thankful I ordered the book. I'm thankful for a Beloved who went along with it and encouraged me every step of the way. 

And I'm thankful that on most days, I feel better.

Until next time.......

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