There are two things that contribute to this story.
1. Alice is ready for a dog. She has been BEGGING for a new dog for MONTHS. Every time she sees a dog or hears the word dog or passes the dog aisle at any store. She. Wants. A. Dog.
2. Surgery recovery means no "intimate" situations allowed until cleared by the doctor which is usually at the six weeks mark. My Beloved being the funny man that he is counted six weeks on our kitchen calendar and wrote "Yay Day!" It should be noted this is a calendar that Alice has never paid attention to a day in her entire life.
Now to the story.
A few nights ago, Alice comes running in to our room all excited.
Alice "MOM! Why did you write Yay Day on National Adopt a Shelter Pet day!?? Does that mean we're getting a dog?!?"
And I immediately start laughing and say, "Daddy, Alice wants to know why you wrote Yay Day on National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day?!"
This is his doing, let him handle it.
Him...."I wrote that because that's the date Momma is supposed to be completely healed and can get back to her normal routine."
Me "Yes, that's the day I can move my weighted blanket all on my own." (I'm not supposed to lift anything over 10 lbs.)
Her disappointment was palpable.
The next day we're in the car when Alice announces from the back seat, "I told Mrs. Ashby about 'Yay Day'."
Lovely.....just lovely.
Me "What exactly did you tell her?"
Alice, to me "I told her you wrote that on the calendar."
Me "No! DADDY wrote that!"
Him "I'm not sure that matters at this point."
Me "Did you tell her what kind of surgery I had?!"
Her "No, she didn't ask."
I have read ZERO parenting books but I am confident this kind of situation isn't in there.
And I know what you're thinking, "I know what you will be doing that day!!"
NOPE!!!! My post op check is at an undisclosed later date so Yay Date will not happen on National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day. We will also not be adopting a shelter pet on National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day either.
So, boom!
Until next time.....
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