Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Just call me Miss Cranky Pants

Christmas this year just seems strange. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's the fact that we've had it shoved down our throats since October. I don't know exactly what makes this Christmas so different - but it is. And it's my last Christmas at home. That hit me today, this next chapter in my life will be a very different one. And there are SO many people EVERYWHERE!! I've decided I'm NOT a people person. I don't like crowds or traffic or crying babies or people. Yeah, people in general, they bother me. I attempt to do Christmas shopping and I end up hostile and mean. I'm sticking to online shopping - I like the presents to come to me. :)

You know how when you can't have something you desire it the most? Well, with all the blood thinners I'm taking I'm cut off from alcohol, which wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have a tempting chilled bottle of wine WAITING for me in the fridge!! And I don't drink often but lately I have desired nothing more then a nice glass of wine with dinner. Argh!!

I've been cranky lately - I bet wine would help!! :) Does anybody even read this?!

Merry Christmas All! (who ever you are)

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