Thursday, May 15, 2008

I feel a panic attack coming!

The invitations came in!! Now the hard part begins. So do I handwrite every single envelope which is what every single bridal book tells you to do or do I save my sanity and print up the already typed up addresses? Would I be turning on my wedding professional status by printing up some silly addresses? Would people say things like "I can't believe she didn't handwrite these!"? I'm a nut, yeah I know.

And then there's the guest list. A guest list that has ballooned to outrageous numbers. Is it wrong to want to invite friends whom you love over family you barely know?!

This is supposed to be fun right?! Are my Bridezilla horns showing? I need a massage and a nap and a some Chunky Monkey ice cream.....STAT!

1 comment:

In the Mix said...

Daily Dose - I don't even know you (though I feel I do from Daniel) but I say print the addresses. Save the time and your hand and by all means, shun the family over friends, you'll have more fun with them.