Saturday, May 31, 2008

In a van down by the river

I'm totally over this blood clot crap. So the ultra sound came back clean but the blood work I had done was inconclusive. What?! So now I get to see a Hematologist. Enter the insurance drama.

I have to call to find a Hematologist and that in it self is a challenge. I have crappy insurance that cannot seem to update their website EVER so 80% of the doctors listed are no longer at the listed numbers and the remaining doctors are not seeing new clients. Every doctor search turns out to be a nightmare. I find a doctor and set an appointment, trying not to think about the fact that I could still have clots floating around. Well, two days before the appointment I get a call saying the doctor has decided not to see new clients. Fantastic!! The other doctor does not have an opening for 2 more weeks; without any other options, I set the appointment. In the meantime I try a few other doctors on the list. I get hung up on once and leave a message for a different doctor. At 8pm I get a call on my cell phone from a woman who sounds confused. She explains that she is a doctor and I left a message for her to call me. I proceed to tell her my situation. She then says she doesn't really have an office right now so she probably shouldn't take any new clients. WHAT?! Seriously?! What are the odds that I would find the one wacko doctor who treats her patients out of a van down by the river? Pretty high actually. It's a gift I have.

So I meet with the specialist (in an actual office...I think) on Tuesday where I'm sure he will say the previous doctor had the blood work drawn too quickly after I was taken off of the blood thinners. He'll make me take more tests which will cost an arm and a leg but will hopefully come back conclusively clean. Fingers crossed.

The circus never ends....

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