Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Did someone say "Hurricane"?

What happened to our good buddy Ed? He turned out to be nothing more then a whole lot of rain. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful! I'm thankful Ed watered our grass without flooding the city. I'm thankful Ed remained a Tropical Storm. I'm thankful we got a "rain day" and didn't have to go to work! :)

So Monday in the Rodeo Houston Studio was eventful. Every time there is an impedeing hurricane we go out to the warehouse to collect our 10 tubs of hurricane plastic. We go around the Studio and turn off all of our VERY expensive equipment and flip off all of the breakers. We continue by wrapping EVERYTHING in plastic, all the while praying for some sort of bad weather. We don't want a disaster, we just don't want to go through this silly excersise for nothing! It's no fun! We turn off all of this equipment praying it will reboot when the power is restored. We went through this with Rita. We carefully turned everything off and wrapped everything up and it didn't even rain a drop! So sad. And today I get to fold up all of the plastic and return them to their boxes to wait for our next "disaster".

Sometimes I treat God like hurricane plastic. I keep Him in a box close at hand until the weather gets a little uncertain. I wait until things go gray before I seek help. And then when the moment passes, He goes back in the box until the rain comes again. What's with that? Wouldn't I be a LOT happier if I took everything to Him? Why do I insist that I can do it on my own? I seek the approval of everyone around me but He is the only one that matters. That is something I need to work on.

Back to my plastic party for one! I'm going to smell like plastic and magic marker for the rest of the day - SCORE!!

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