Saturday, January 31, 2009

27 never looked so good!

So here are 27 silly facts (one for every year of my existence) for your enjoyment.

1. I LOVE peas and carrots!! YUMMY!
2. I loathe hominy.
3. Roaches TERRIFY me
4. I worry that I'm going to be a horrible mother, so much so that I'm not sure I need to be one.
5. My middle name is Rachelle.
6. I have imaginary conversations with people all the time.
7. I'm terribly impatient
8. I miss the theater. My dream is to own and run my own theater house one day.
9. I spend a lot of time in fictional worlds. I LOVE to read! I grow attached to my 'friends' and am sad when the book is over.
10. I have moments of scary impatient anger and it scares me. This goes along with #4.
11. I have a very addictive personality so I try to avoid the things that might lead to trouble. One of my silly goals is to avoid a stint in rehab. Contrary to popular belief, no it's not where all the cool kids go.
12. I want a Great Dane one day! I think they're gorgeous!!
13. I don't seek God as much as I should.
14. I check behind the shower curtains when I get home. And I keep a bat close by "just in case". I've seen to many scary movies.
15. I really enjoyed High School
16. I worry about lots of silly stuff
17. I have no real desire to travel outside of the country
18. My ears are pierced in 5 places.
19. I have a VERY over active imagination.
20. I LOVE my new car!
21. I know some of the most awesome people. And I cherish my "low maintenance" friends, you know who you are!
22. I want to be cremated. My Mamaw doesn't approve.
23. I wear my heart on my sleeve and am easily heart broken.
24. I cry easily
25. I LOVE stupid jokes and I LOVE to laugh!
26. I take a baby Asprin and Folic Acid every day to avoid developing more blood clots
27. I'd like to think I'm not a people person but I do read people very well.

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