Friday, January 16, 2009

Odds and Ends

New set of Wheels: Daniel and I bought a new car that comes equip with its very own car note! How exciting! It is a very nice 2009 Saturn Vue that plays my CD's, starts when you turn the key and has an air conditioner that stays on the ENTIRE time! It's FANTASTIC! I did get to say goodbye to my lemon of a truck. It had it's moments and there were things I like about it but I don't miss it at all either! I love the new wheels! I have never bought a brand new car before and it took FOREVER!! Good grief!! We had to sign pages and pages of stuff. They made us sign a form promising we were not drug dealers. Seriously?! Do they expect drug dealers to be honest? Are they hoping they'll have a moment of conscience and walk away? Umm....I doubt it. I found it silly.

I married a Man-Child: We were in GameStop a few weeks ago looking for a game for our new Wii. I found one and got in line. Well, Daniel hands me "Resident Evil" for the Wii and says he wants it. I ask, "Is this going to give you bad dreams?" (side note: I ONLY asked this because the original game DID give him nightmares when he used to play it back in the day) "No!" he says in a tone of 'I can't believe she would ask such a question in front of all these gaming children'. So I spend Sunday watching him get his head chopped off by not-zombies. I love my husband but he doesn't spend a lot of time playing video games so he's not great, he dies about every 5 minutes. The next morning we get up for work and I ask him how he slept. "Well, I had bad dreams." Uh huh! I knew it! But I was good and I didn't scream "I TOLD YOU SO!" I just kept getting ready with my "I told you so" face on. Mothers know the face I'm talking about; the one with the half smile and raised eyebrow. Yeah, that's the one! And I have it down! That is one of the good thing about being married to a 14 year old stuck in a 31 year olds body, I'll have all my 'Mommy' faces perfected by the time our children come around. ;)

Somebody LIED to them!: American Idol started this week. I have to be honest, I'm one of those. I LOVE to watch the auditions and after several years of watching the American Idol hopefuls shake through their auditions, I have come to the conclusion that there are 3 different types of people at the auditions. 1: The ones with talent and should be there, 2: The ones who just want to be on TV and 3: The ones that have been lied to! They're not hard to spot. They are the ones with large support groups including the Mom's who will SWEAR their baby has the best voice. They honestly believe they can sing. Seriously. These poor people have been lied to all their lives! Shouldn't someone who loves them be honest?! I'm sure that seems mean but most of those poor children couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. Someone around them knows the truth! I would be honest WAY before they were humiliated by a panel of judges on national TV. These people don't need voice lessons, they need new friends!

I can smell them already: the livestock. They're coming! The Rodeo is only weeks away and I'm already hoping it goes by super fast. I love my job but I'm dreading Rodeo. There's just so many people! Everywhere! In my way! :) I should work on my people skills, maybe they have an online class. :)

Until next time...

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