Tuesday, April 21, 2009

His turn in Freak Mode

My friend Amanda took me to lunch this weekend for my birthday. It started out as a rainy day and I offered to reschedule but she didn't mind the rain so our adventure began. She picked me up in her car and we headed out through the raindrops for some much needed pasta and girl talk. We make it to the restaurant very wet but not discouraged and enjoyed a fabulous meal. After the meal we head home...and the adventure begins.

When we get to the door of the restaurant it is raining so hard we can't see past the first row of parked cars. Awesome! She brings the car around and I jump in. We take a turn out of the parking lot and on to a very flooded road. It's raining so hard we decide the smart thing to do would be to pull over in a Valero station to wait out the rain. So there we sit with the doors locked watching it POUR while the roads around us disappear under water. Side advice for those of you who live in Houston: NEVER under any circumstances stop at the Valero on Fuqua & Gulf Pines to use the restroom. Trust me. That restroom made the bathroom in the movie Saw look clean. We sit there for about an hour when the rain starts to let up and we decide to brave the rain and head home.

I had been a dutiful wife and consistently called Daniel to let him know of our progress but he's a worrier and was not impressed that we left the shelter of the dirty gas station before the storm had passed. And I might have worried him with my "what's the right way to drive through high water?" question. Oops. We decide that getting on a freeway is the best bet since everything else is flooded. The roads are fine! It's just rainy but 45 North is smooth sailing. Amanda's husband calls to tell us the main road in to Deer Park is under water so I call my husband to check on an alternate route. Well, my husband is sitting at home watching the roads flood around our apartment knowing we're "out and about" and has entered "freak mode". He proceeds to tell me all the ways I can't go - not really helpful - and wants us to be careful and call him every 5 minutes.

I keep telling him "we're fine! It's just rain! We're not going to drive through high water! We're not dumb" but full swing "Freak Mode" has irrupted and this falls on deaf ears. We're talking and I miss his call, this doesn't help with the freak mode.

We finally get close to Deer Park and we decide we've been in the car so long we could use some ice cream. It has been 5 minutes so I call dear, sweet Daniel to let him know our progress and that we haven't floated away. We also let him know we're planning on stopping for ice cream, does he want anything? Wrong question again! My very patient husband looses his very patient cool.

"You're stopping for ICE CREAM?! Do you not understand what is going on?! The roads are flooded!! You can't get home!"

"So...does that mean you don't want anything?" I sweetly ask. I can picture him waving his hands in frustration.

"No, I want you to go to my parents house, they called and it's not flooded. Go there and wait for the rain to stop."

So we stop for our Blizzards and head to his parents house. We make it there safe and sound and he calms down the second he knows "we're fine."

The ice cream was refreshing, the visit was fun and the laughter was much needed. Amanda and I enjoyed our day! Daniel - not so much. And I'm pretty sure he's going to check the 5-day forecast the next time us girls want to get together. :) Fun times!

1 comment:

In the Mix said...

It cracks me up that even after the conversation with Daniel you stop to have ice cream.
Glad you made it through the floods, now watch out for those piggies.