Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Plague on both your houses…

Just so you know, I’m TERRIFIED of roaches. They’re NASTY. And not only are they nasty but they fly. Really?! And somehow they can sense my fear and therefore seek me out with their little evil nastiness. I’m completely convinced they are a result of sin. Now you know.

I work with a bunch of boys in a Studio that is completely closed off to the rest of the world. I’m not a messy person. I work with messy boys but I do not fall in to that category. I get to work Monday morning and find droppings around my desk. UNCOOL!! They’re around my keyboard, around my lava lamp and in my cough drops. Apparently what ever it was (there’s still a debate; I think it was an evil roach and they think it was a mouse. I could be ok with the mouse idea, they’re cute!) had a bit of a cough. I go in to complete Melt-Down Mode. I start calling everyone building related, “There is something pooping on my desk!” Of course they laugh! Who wouldn’t? A half hysterical girl calls screaming “there’s poop on my desk!” from out in the hall because she refuses to enter her quarantined room would probably make me laugh too. Seriously, I’m hysterical and close to tears. I recognize the humor but am also terrified something is still watching me, waiting for me to open that drawer or move that coffee cup before it attacks. My two helpful boys offer to come and “tag the evidence”, nice. My dear friends in the warehouse tell me between chuckles they’ll get someone up there soon and whatever it is won’t come out with me there. Encouraging. I spend the rest of the day with things “crawling” up my pants and avoiding my office.

So at 4am this morning my husband LAUNCHES himself out of our bed shaking the room as he does so. I sit up startled, what’s going on? He’s prone to nose bleeds and I see him standing over the sink so I think maybe that’s the problem. He settles down and I ask him what happened. He tells me there was a bug on him. Great. So I foolishly ask what kind of bug. He hesitates…then finally admits it was a roach. Melt-Down mode again.

He looks at me, “was this one of those times I should have lied to my wife?”

Yep, I’ve been up since about 4 am….