Monday, September 28, 2009

Odds and Ends

So much has changed!!

We bought a house. A whole house! OUR house! Ours to decorate, fix, fight and love in. Ours. It's such a grown up thing to do, gross. ;) One of my many quirks is that I'm not settled until everything is in it's place. So while we've only been there 2 months, it looks like we've been there for at least 10 years. :) And I was comforted with how immediately it felt like home. We moved in and it was ours. Crazy!

I've been a wife for a whole year now. WOW!! It's always amazing to me how fast and slow a year can be. Sometimes I feel like we've been married FOREVER and other times it feels like yesterday. I love my husband and I love being his wife. And there's nothing I would change. I've learned a few things throughout the year. I learned that I'm horribly impatient and I have to make a conscience effort on a daily basis to not fuss about things that don't warrant being fussed about. I'm a little high strung (imagine that!), but I'm working on that. I learned Daniel makes me laugh! He brings me joy, frustration and laughter and I wouldn't trade him for anything. :)

I need a career change. I'm not in love with my job anymore. There are things going on that I really don't like and I think it's time I move on. I never meant to stay here as long as I did, this was going to be a stepping stone until my wedding business was up and running. But thanks to a failing economy, that has taken a back seat. Now I want something new. But I don't know what. I worry I'm to old to not know what I want to be when I grow up. I look at job postings and nothing speaks to me. I feel selfish. I tell myself I shouldn't be picky; but then I tell myself there's no reason leaving a job you tolerate for another job you just tolerate. I should hold out for something I am really interested in, right? Argh, grown up decisions are dumb. :)

With everything unpacked and things settled, I'll try to post more. The whole house hunting experience was a story in it's self! :) Until then....

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