Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bittersweet endings & new beginnings

So the Rodeo ended. The Crew surprised me on Sunday with fabulous gifts and lots of love. I've spent 6 years with these people and as crazy as they make me, I'll miss them. Well, most of them. :)

And the emotional wreck that I am spent my last day bawling like a baby. Saying goodbye to my Boss and my Gary was bittersweet. But luckily they're used to my crazy so they didn't say a word. They even walked me to my car. Granted Gary's spot is right next to mine but whatever. And James said I could still text him, just not at 4:30am.

I survived my first day! Now I have a new office with new people. I got there on time and everything! And they have Dr. Pepper and Lava Lamps - I think I'm going to be fine.

With all this excitement, I'm really ready for Saturday. I haven't had a day off since February 22nd and I'm really excited about NOT setting my alarm. :)

Until next time....

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