Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lessons in Failing

Having a Big Girl job is taking its toll.

The house is a wreck. By the time I get home, I have to quickly make dinner and then it's off to bed so I'm hopefully a little less exhausted the next day. The shower needs scrubbing, the floors need vacuuming and we still have boxes to go through. AND I need to go to the grocery store but haven't had time to make a shopping list. So sad.

I didn't get my bean bags done in time for the CraftHope deadline. Now the children of Africa won't get to learn their colors and it'll all be my fault. (side note: I'm still working on them and will hopefully send them off next weekend. One week late isn't so bad, right?!)

I've managed to GAIN weight instead of lose any. We even bought a Treadmill! But by the time I get home, I'm SO exhausted that I can't get even get on it. I can't fit in my clothes. I'm sure my fits are making my husband crazy.

I'm a little bit overwhelmed. I need about 3 more hours in the day. And maybe a maid.

I'm in a funk.

But I am enjoying the Big Girl job for what that's worth! :)


Beth said...

Don't worry about the house - dust bunnies (and packed boxes) are very undemanding - they need no care, no feeding and wait quietly until you can give them attention!
Don't worry about bean bags either - the children in Liberia are also very undemanding and will be thrilled with whatever is sent whenever it arrives. The deadline is self-imposed and we are happy to accept bean bags any time they come in! Thank you for your thoughtfulness and caring!
Beth at LOEP

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

:) Thanks Beth!